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PBZ Construction
Paul Zampine
401 Neponset St
Canton, Massachusetts, 02021
United States
Dolce Vittoria Design Group
Joshua Peromsik
PO BOX 2980
WORCESTER, Massachusetts, 01613
United States
Starting as a modest 40 x 60 repair shop in 1947, the Paul B. family of companies has steadily grown and now includes PaulB LLC, PBZ LLC and Keystone Koating LLC. Over the years these companies expanded to offer products and services through PaulB Wholesale, and the CropCare and Zimmerman Cattle Control Equipment brands. From our home base in Lititz PA, we now serve homeowners, industrial, commercial and agricultural customers around the world.
鍥涘窛鐪佸彂灞曞拰鏀归潻濮斿憳浼氬緛姹傚 鍥涘窛鐪佸浗瀹舵姇璧勫伐绋嬪缓璁鹃 鐩 嫑鏍囦汉浣跨敤鏍囧噯鏂囦欢杩涗竴姝ヨ . 鍏充簬涓惧姙2015骞村害绗 洓鏈熷洓宸濈渷璇勬爣涓撳 璧勬牸澶嶅 鍩硅 鐨勯 氱煡. 鍏充簬涓惧姙2015骞村害绗 笁鏈熷洓宸濈渷璇勬爣涓撳 璧勬牸澶嶅 鍩硅 鐨勯 氱煡. 鍏充簬銆婂洓宸濈渷浜烘皯鏀垮簻鍏充簬涓ユ牸瑙勮寖鍥藉 鎶曡祫宸ョ 寤鸿 椤圭洰鎷涙爣鎶曟爣宸ヤ綔鐨勬剰瑙併? 鍥涘窛鐪佷汉姘戞斂搴滃叧浜庝弗鏍艰 鑼冨浗瀹舵姇璧勫伐绋嬪缓璁鹃 鐩 嫑鏍囨姇鏍囧伐浣滅殑鎰忚.
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